TUSA Crestline Set (BCD,DV,Octo,Combo 2)
R 16,999.00
Tusa Crestline BCD
Tusa RS1207 Air System
The TUSA RS1207 regulator is a light weight, durable regulator perfect for entry level divers. The "easy maintenance" design makes this regulator ideal for training and rental.
Tusa SS0007 Octo
The TUSA SS0007 Octo/Safe Second Stage regulator is an ideal accessory for any regulator. The light weight, durable second stage is built to withstand heavy use while maintaining exceptional breathability.
Tusa Cresline BCD
Tusa RS1207 Air system Int/DIN
Tusa SS0007 Octo
Tusa Console 2 Gauge